Podasts made just for you.

  • Episode 1

    Being a mom is hard enough and then we go and add having a career on top of it all. We so often feel like we arent doing either one well. Listen today to hear about how to be both a great mom and have an impactful career.

  • Episode 2

    We have this false notion that we should never make mistakes or fail, so when we do fail, we beat ourselves up. Beating yourself is not helpful. It does not help you do better next time. It makes you withdraw and waste a lot of energy. To be our best self, we need to learn to talk to ourselves like someone we love.

  • Episode 3

    We often find ourselves very annoyed at others and wanting them to stop doing something or do something different. Listen to how you can stop being annoyed using curiosity.

  • Episode 4

    As leaders and as parents we want to be more self-aware, but not one teaches us about how. Listen to find out how to practice becoming more self-aware through starting to understand about emotions. Emotions are our super power if we know how to use them.

  • Episode 5

    Making decisions can be stressful. We often belive this lie that there is a "right decision" and a "wrong decision" which holds us back and wastes a bunch of our time. Find out how to make clean decisions by getting clear on your reasons, knowing what the feeling is behind your reason, and having your own back after you make the decision.

  • Episode 6

    We all crave to feel better. We want more connection, more joy, more love in our lives but we are solving it backward. We end up creating more of what we do not want. Listen to hear how to feel better.

How to feel better worksheet

You can feel better today. Download and start with this worksheet. Listen to Episode 6 for more details or contact me for on one on one help, so you can feel better!