Trusting Ourselves
Elizabeth Jolley Elizabeth Jolley

Trusting Ourselves

TRUSTING OURSELVES — It is easy for us to look at outward and often point out why we don’t trust others. It could include that they don’t really care about us or they aren’t reliable and don’t follow through on their commitments. Or it could be that they are not sincere in their words and even share information that isn’t theirs to share in the first place.

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Oh, People-Pleasing
Boundaries Elizabeth Jolley Boundaries Elizabeth Jolley

Oh, People-Pleasing

People-Pleasing—We are raised to think that our duty in this world is to make others happy and not hurt their feelings. People-pleasing breads a lot of resentment in all of us! We all know that when we are focused on pleasing others, we are not honoring ourselves. We avoid the discomfort of being honest and saying no, thinking we must sacrifice our own needs or wants to be loving. This is a huge lie. When we people please we are lying to them and not loving ourselves.

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When things suck
Elizabeth Jolley Elizabeth Jolley

When things suck

When things suck—Sometimes we have this idea that everything should be happy if we were doing it “right.” Well, turns out that this is a big fat lie from society.

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