Through coaching, workshops, or speaking engagements, I will teach you how to feel less overwhelmed and more impactful.

Ready to unlock your full potential at work and as a mom?

As a women at work, I can help you love the job you are in, identify what you want to do next, and curate a path to accomplish your unique goals. We will embed courage into your daily life and your work environment so you will feel less overwhelmed and more impactful.



I coach working moms who are worn out trying to do everything. Moms who crave making a difference at work yet finding themselves burned out, unfulfilled, and craving more. Now, more than ever, you may feel like your job is somewhere you go to get a paycheck, not somewhere you fill like you are making an impact.

For working moms, I coach and teach the skills required to love your existing job, make an impact and lean into your full potential, while creating more connection with your family.

These skills will transform the way you show up at work and at home.

For individuals and teams, we will recognize and celebrate accomplishments, paint a picture of the future, and determine the barriers in place between the current state and reaching the visions with specific actions. As a team, we will dig into the Dare to LeadTM courageous leadership work to create daring cultures where tough conversations happen to deliver the next level of performance.

Through any one or combination of my services, you can:

  • This sounds so simplistic, but it’s fundamental. In this moment and then the next, to simply feel better: less overwhelmed, less anxious, and more purposeful, is transformative. How you feel is important and you can’t launch your best self or effectively lead from a place of burnout (this is mathematically impossible, I’m an engineer, trust me!). Together we will discover what repeatable skills work for you to shift your mindset and reside comfortably within your own life.

  • Often, we feel the frustration of what we don’t want and the urge for change but struggle to identify what we do want. Do you have goals for your life? Have you ever tried to give someone directions without knowing where they’re going? Well, the same can be said of the journey to your full potential. We will clearly identify your destination and map out a course to get you there.

  • If you’re like me, this might sound the most far-fetched. Today’s to-do lists are long and unmanageable and quite frankly, leave many of us feeling like failures at the close of our days. Worse still, they usually don’t include taking care of us, our greatest renewable resource. In discovering who you want to be and how to get there, you will gain clarity and control over your to-do list, and you will be able to get it all done!

  • The way others talk to us is important, but the way we talk to ourselves is paramount. Together we will identify how you view and treat yourself and you will learn how to transition to a more productive and gentler place of awareness and compassion that allows you to celebrate your accomplishments while continuing your momentum forward toward the future you envision.

  • Based on the research of Houston-based best-selling author, Dr. Brené Brown, Dare to Lead™ is an empirically based courage-building program designed to be facilitated by any 1 of only 500 Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitators. I was fortunate enough to receive this exclusive and groundbreaking training and certification and I want to share these gifts with your team.

Prior to my own reawakening, I was holding myself back: trying to please others, doing things to prove I could or because someone thought I should, instead of doing things that I wanted.

Life didn’t “feel good” or impactful; I couldn’t escape the sense that I had more to offer. If this sounds familiar, you are not alone as this is sadly a common condition in today’s society. The good news? Your burnout, your midlife crisis, your stuck feeling—these can be the beginnings of YOUR reawakening into the fully engaged, impactful, and fulfilled YOU that you know is there.

Check out a sampling of my services below and then let’s chat about which suits your individual or organizational needs.

1-1 Coaching

The most valuable use of your time, my 1-1 coaching allows us to cater exclusively to your unique gifts and struggles. We won’t waste any time before diving deep into what is blocking you from the future you want. I will customize a strategy for you to discover the superpowers you already possess and need to unlock.

Group Coaching

For those ready to get to work but not ready for a spotlight exclusively on them, group coaching is a great atmosphere to gain familiarity with common struggles amongst peers and learn from others in similarly stuck positions.


My topical workshops offer all my skills and expertise, focused on a single topic, and are a great option for those new to the idea of life coaching who may need to dip their toe in before taking a deep dive. In this dynamic format, we will focus on a single common issue, explore its inherent struggles, and discover practical and repeatable skills and solutions.

Dare to Lead™ Individual and Team Services

As a certified Dare to Lead™ facilitator, Liz Jolley brings Brené Brown’s empirically based program to organizations looking to move from armored leadership to daring leadership by obtaining the courage-building skills of Rumbling with Vulnerability, Living into Values, Braving Trust, and Learning to Rise.

Through In-Person facilitated sessions and keynote speaking engagements, I will curate Brené Brown’s Dare to Lead™ curriculum to suit individual or organizational visions and goals, embedding the courage to move from armored leadership to daring leadership.

Take a closer look at the Dare to Lead™ program and how I can facilitate Brown’s vision for you and your organization